Hello Family!

Hey there! Welcome to the 10th season of 54 Days of Roses! Can you believe we've made it this far? It feels like yesterday when we started this beautiful journey together. I'm so thrilled to have you here with me again!

Let me share a little story with you. Three years ago, when everything was so overwhelming with the stress of Covid and working in a hospital, a friend invited me to join a 54-Day Rosary Novena through a WhatsApp group. I tried my best, but I only managed to pray through day 21 before I dropped off. It felt like I just couldn't keep up.

But you know what? A couple of weeks later, I decided to give it another shot, but this time on my own. I took up the challenge of learning to pray the Rosary in English, as I only knew it in Spanish at that time.

Every night, before bedtime, I would grab my rosary and printouts to guide me through the Novena. There was just one little thing missing - I wished there was a YouTube video or podcast to follow along with. I searched, but no luck. Then, on Day 9, during my prayer, a thought struck me - if it's not out there, put it out there! I felt a bit nervous, though, thinking about recording a YouTube Video or podcast and possibly making a mistake while praying.

Still, I didn't give up on the idea. Every night during my prayer, I'd jot down ideas in my journal, and every morning, I'd do some research on how to make a podcast, edit videos, make a website, and all that jazz. You can seriously learn new skills on YouTube! (not sponsored. hahaha)

Finally, after 54 days of dedication and prayer, I was amazed by what I had accomplished. I felt closer to God than ever before, and it was a turning point for me. I prayed fervently for help with my career in corporate finance, and you know what? Through that prayer, God revealed my hidden talents and creativity, just waiting to be tapped into. It was such a beautiful realization.

Now, fast forward to today, and guess what? That little podcast I created back then has experienced immense growth! It's incredible how far we've come together. We've now prayed and offered 430,000+ spiritual bouquets of roses to our Blessed Mother. And guess what else? This journey is now shared by people from 137+ countries. Can you believe it?
Whether you're a long-time listener or joining us for the first time, you are cherished in our prayer family. I can't thank you enough for your support and prayers. Without you, this podcast wouldn't be what it is today. Your presence in this prayer family means the world to me.

I'm thrilled to announce that Season 10 of our podcast will kick off on February 7th ,2024, dedicated to our vocation. Join us on this faith-filled journey, and together, we'll grow in love and devotion. Can't wait to share Season 10 with you!

If you have any prayer requests, don't hesitate to share them on our website, 54daysofroses.com. We would love to pray for your intentions and mention your first name on the podcast.

I'm truly excited for this new 54-day journey with you. Together, we'll continue to pray and grow in faith. Sending you all my love, to Jesus through Mary!

With gratitude and joy,
Maritza Mendez