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Read some Rosay stories.
And we will share it with our family.
Read some Rosay stories.
Almost to the end of the first 54 Day Novena, my daughter received a great job offer with a huge raise in pay. God will not be outdone in generosity! Then I started again and almost on the last day she received financing for her home and can begin building.
Now, I must be patient for the final request… that she returns to the Sacraments. I had hoped that that would happen first, but God has his plan and I must be patient, and persevere. I felt like God was telling me it would happen but not quite yet.
So I will start another 54 Day Novena and accept Gods will.
Laurie. October 2023. Season 8
I am currently praying my 3rd 54-Day novena. My intentions each novena have centered around my oldest child in regards to school/work/ and am currently praying for a significant other to enter her life. My Ernest prayer for her to graduate school after many struggles was accomplished and then I prayed she would find a job and that prayer was answered. All in God’s perfect timing.
H.E. November, 2023
I’m from Nigeria, I am a Catholic devoted to the Holy Rosary.
In 2021 my younger sister was sick and needed surgery for an appendix. Miraculously I prayed the rosary during the day of her surgery and God saved her life, Mother Mary answered my prayers. Also last year the rosary saved my elder sisters life who went for a fibroid surgery and it was successfully removed.
I am thankful to God for his mercy and prayers answered.
October, 2023
Two years ago I decided to start praying it every day. It took time to know what day and all the extra prayers, but I got there. Now I pray it every day, and have added the 54 day rosary occasionally.
It didn't magically make everything better, in fact the spiritual warfare got strong, but I keep praying. It has brought me closer to Jesus and Mother Mary. I have included using scripture to bring more meaning.
If you don't know how to start, just start. Use videos, books, whatever you need. Ask for Jesus and the intercession of our Lady.
Margaret. November, 2023
One of my intentions in this rosary novena was for our Lady to intercede for me so I can pass my project and for a distinction in my degree.
Our Lady prayed for me and I achieved both during this novena prayer. All glory to God.
November, 2023
I came across this podcast during Covid back in 2020, during its very first season. At that time my son was involved with drugs, he was basically on the streets. He needed a miracle. So I decided to pray a rosary daily, because who else can understand the pain a mother feels to see one of her children suffering? Fast forward 4 years and thousands of prayers later my son is drug free!! This is nothing short of a miracle.
I have included my family and friends in my prayers as well as my own petitions for professional growth. And guess who got herself a promotion?!
Prayer absolutely moves mountains!! We must have faith and patience and pray ever so fervently with devotion.
Thank you Blessed Mother. And thank you Lord.
February, 2024.