S11 Day 19: Glorious Mysteries in Petition

Hello family!
Welcome back to day 19 of our 54 day Rosary Novena. I'm your host, Maritza Mendez. Thank you so much for joining us today, and if you're joining for the very first time, welcome to this beautiful family of prayer.

As we continue with our novena, we are reminded of the incredible power of perseverance in prayer, especially on this feast day of Saint Monica. Saint Monica is a beautiful example of faith and perseverance. For years she prayed over the conversion of her son, Saint Augustine, who eventually became one of the greatest saints. Her commitment to prayer even when the outcome seemed uncertain is a powerful reminder for us all.

Perseverance in prayer is not just about persistence, it's about trusting in God's timing and His plan, even when we can't see the results immediately. Today, we face challenges that test our patience and faith. Whether it's praying for a loved one's conversion, healing, or guidance in a difficult situation, St. Monica's example teaches us to remain faithful, to keep praying, and to trust that God is working in ways that we may yet not understand.

By remaining rooted in prayer and trust, we allow God's grace to strengthen us just as he did for St. Monica.

Day 19 - Glorious Mysteries in Petition
Family, today on day 19, we're praying the glorious mysteries in petition.

Blessed Mother, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, be with us in our prayers as we pray for the grace of peace, patience, and perseverance. We humbly request your intercession, lifting up the special intentions that reside within our hearts.

Blessed Mother, on the feast day of St. Monica, we pray for all mothers and wives, especially those who are enduring difficult marriages or praying for the conversion of their loved ones. Blessed Mother, on this day we pray for the health of our loved ones. We pray for love, those who are trying to conceive a child. for freedom from addiction, conversion, healing, blessings on weddings, blessings to those who are getting married.

We pray for guidance, faithfulness, protection, peace, family unity, forgiveness, restoration. We ray for children, job opportunities, studies, and a peaceful soul.

Blessed Mother, we pray for the intentions of our family here on the podcast, Intentions received by email, Instagram, and YouTube. And we pray for the intentions of  Adam, Al, Amelia, Angel, Bridget, Christina, Daniel, Daniella, Davide, Domenica, Donna, Dragan, Eduardo, Frank, Gabriel, Gabriela, Grace, Italo, Jaida, Jacob, Jean, Jeff, Jennifer, Johanna, Jordan, Joseph, Joy, Kay, Kristina, Larvin Family, Layla, Lori, Margaret, Marco, Maria, Mateo, Matt, Matteo, MaryRose, Melanie, Nathanael, Natalie, Nieves, Nikko, Niña, Parker Family, Patrice, Patricia, Paolo, Pearl, Perla, Preston Family, Rolando, Sarah, Servando, Steve, Thomas-Peter Family, Tina, Tlotlo, Vinny.

Let us start our prayer.

With love,
Maritza Mendez.


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S11 Día 19: Misterios Gloriosos en Petición


S11 Día 18: Misterios Dolorosos en Petición