S11 Day 41: Joyful Mysteries in Thanksgiving

Hello family!
Welcome back to day 41 of our 54-day Rosary Novena. I'm your host Maritza Mendez. Thank you so much for joining us today. And a warm welcome to those who are  joining for the very first time.

Family, today I want to share something that’s been on my heart, and that is the power we each have to be able to save someone’s life, specially by giving blood. A dear friends of mine is battling cancer, and all that she asks of her family and friends is to donate blood. It’s a simple yet powerful way to give back and help those in need. So, I want to encourage you today to find a local hospital or blood drive and donate. Whether it’s through the American Red Cross, or a local hospital, your gift of blood could help save a life. 

There is so much power in giving, and this is a beautiful way we can be of service to others.

Day 41: Joyful Mysteries in Thanksgiving
Family, today on day 41 we’re praying the Joyful Mysteries in thanksgiving.

 Blessed Mother, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, be with us in our prayers as we pray for the grace of peace, patience, and perseverance. We humbly request your intercession, lifting up the special intentions that reside within our hearts.

Blessed Mother, we pray for positive court outcomes, for those seeking for a jobs, for health, healing, and family reconciliation. Blessed Mother, we pray for our family's intentions here on the podcast, intentions received by email, Instagram, and YouTube.

And we pray for the intentions of Anabelle, Adonis, Alice, Alcala Family, Alcala Meza Family, Adam, Annie, Anthony, Benjamin, Brittany, Brannagan, Chidimma, Crispina, Cynthia, Deanna, Deidra, Elliorah, Edward, Fadziso, Francisco, Figueroa Family, Jennifer, Jonathan, Jose, Lisette, Lulu, Manjith, Manuela, Marisela, Marianella, Marlene, Mary, McNeil Family, Molly, Monica, Namaalwa, Nabiryo, Patty, Petra, Priscilla, Ramona, Richie, Salvador, Sonia, Terragan, Trinity, Van Boxtel Family, Zaleski Family.

With love,
Maritza Mendez.


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S11 Día 41: Misterios Gozosos en Agradecimiento


S11 Día 40: Misterios Luminosos en Agradecimiento