S11 Day 47: Glorious Mysteries in Thanksgiving

Hello family!
Welcome back to day 47 of our 54-day Rosary Novena. I'm your host Maritza Mendez. Thank you so much for joining us today. And a very warm welcome to those who are  joining for the very first time.

Family, today we celebrate the feast day of Saint John Henry Newman. He was a brilliant theologian and educator, known for his profound faith and dedication to the truth. In his honor, I’d like to talk about something very close to his mission, and that is the Newman Centers.

Newman Centers, are found on college campuses across the world, are named after Saint John Henry Newman. They provide a home for Catholic students, offering a place to grow in faith, form lasting friendships, and find guidance during such a formative time in their lives. These centers are more than just a building; they are a community where students can deepen their relationship with Christ through Mass, confession, fellowship, and service opportunities.

If you’re a college student listening to this, I encourage you to get involved with your local Newman Center. It’s a great way to stay grounded in your faith, especially amidst the challenges and distractions of campus life. And if you’re a parent, aunt, uncle, or friend, please encourage the young people around you to find and connect with their Newman Center. 

Being part of a Newman Center helps students to:

  • Strengthen their faith

  • Build a supportive community

  • Receive guidance and mentorship

It’s an amazing way for young Catholics to stay connected to their faith and grow in a supportive environment.

Day 47: Glorious Mysteries in Thanksgiving
Family, today on day47 we’re praying the Glorious Mysteries in thanksgiving.

Blessed Mother, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, be with us in our prayers as we pray for the grace of peace, patience, and perseverance. We humbly request your intercession, lifting up the special intentions that reside within our hearts. 

Blessed Mother, we pray for our family's intentions here on the podcast, intentions received by email, Instagram, and YouTube. And we pray for the intentions of Griselda, Anne, Abigail, Irene, Coleen, Mariz, Eki, Carla, Marilyn, Mari, Donna, Fiona, Matthew, Clare, Stuart, Mary, Connie, Sandra, Graziella, Claudine, Josephine, Alicia, Zuzana, Diana, Rocio, Lorena, and Chris.

With love,
Maritza Mendez.


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S11 Día 47: Misterios Gloriosos en Agradecimiento


S11 Día 46: Misterios Dolorosos en Agradecimiento