S11 Day 6: Sorrowful Mysteries in Petition
Hello Family,
Welcome back to day 6 of our 54 Days Rosary Novena. I'm your host, Maritza Mendez, and I'm so thankful that you're here today to join us in prayer. For those of you who are joining for the first time, welcome to this beautiful family of prayer.
Family, I want to take a moment to share with some exciting updates about Season 11. One of the biggest challenges for me has been to incorporate video into our podcast. But as we come into season 11, I'm recording the intention for each episode for the podcast. So please be patient with me as I'm impriving my recording skills.
Another new addition to this season is that I will be praying live on YouTube. I won't be following the Novena schedule for the novena, but will be praying the daily rosary mysteries. It is going to be a wonderful opportunity to connect with you live.
We also have some exciting interviews lined up for our podcast. This season what I did is that I reached out to other Catholic Creatives on Instagram, so at the moment this week we are scheduling the interviews and hopefully start to do our recordings next week. So please do stay tuned for them.
So overall for this season, we're expanding our reach through various social media channels, and through other Catholic creatives.
Day 6 - Sorrowful Mysteries in Petition
Let's get started. Today, on day 6, we're praying the sorrowful mysteries in petition.
Blessed Mother, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, be with us in our prayers as we seek the grace of peace, patience, and perseverance. We humbly request your intercession, lifting up the special intentions that reside within our hearts.
On this feast day of Saint Maximilian Mary Kolbe, patron saint of addicts, we pray for all who are struggling with addiction. Blessed Mother, we ask for His intercession and grace to support and comfort those in recovery, bring them peace, patience, perseverance, and strength.
Blessed Mother, we pray for our family’s intentions here on the podcast, intentions received by email, Instagram, and YouTube. And family, if you would like us to pray for you and mention your first name on the podcast, please submit your prayer request on our website at 54daysofroses.com
With love,
Maritza Mendez.
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