S12 Day 17 - Joyful Mysteries in Petition
Hello, family, and welcome to Day 17 of our 54-Day Rosary Novena!
I want to take a moment to thank you for being here and for sharing this podcast with your loved ones. Because of you, we now have over a thousand people praying with us daily! Half of our prayer family is praying in Spanish, and the other half is praying in English—a beautiful reminder that the Rosary unites us beyond language and borders.
Day 17: Joyful Mysteries in Petition
Family, today on day 17 we're praying the Joyful Mysteries in Petition,
Blessed Mother, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, we ask for your intercession as we pray for the grace of unity in our families, strength in our faith, wisdom in discernment, and the right use of technology to deepen our human connections.
We pray for the intentions of our family here on the podcast, intentions received by email, Instagram and YouTube. And we pray for the intentions of those who signed up for our upcoming gatherings. We pray for the intentions of Delaney, Lyofill, Gloria, Margaret, Holly, Donntae, Mireya, Catherine, Cristina, Teresa, Stefanie, Marlene, Adeline, Patty, Chidimma Judith, and Amina.
Blessed Mother, pray for us
With love,
Maritza Mendez.
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