S12 Day 19- Glorious Mysteries in Petition

Hello, family, and welcome to Day 19 of our 54-Day Rosary Novena!

Today, we begin our third novena in petition. I also want to let you know that we have a Testimonials page on our website. You’ll find the link in the show notes.

There, you can share your own testimony or read inspiring stories from past seasons. These messages remind us of the powerful intercession of our Blessed Mother. Your words could encourage someone else on their faith journey.

Please share your testimony when you feel called to.

Day 19 - Glorious Mysteries in Petition

Today on day 19, we're praying the Glorious Mysteries in Petition.

Blessed Mother, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, we ask for your intercession as we pray for unity in our families, strength in our faith, wisdom in discernment, and the right use of technology to deepen our human connections.

We pray for the intentions of our family here on the podcast, intentions received by email, Instagram, and YouTube. 

We pray for the intentions of Aracely, Ana, Monica, Naomi, Veronica, Carla, Dan, Dani, Danielita, Xanne, Pablo, Hunter, Cayne, Mathew, Marlene, Briana, Olivia, Mary, Luis, Maria, the souls of Sierra, Carter, Marc, and Czarina, Mike, Dominique, Lavina, Jaden, Jaisi, Veliten, Steffi, Emma, Laura, the soul of Lilly, Cherie, Michelle, Phil, Christina, Stephy A, Michel, Florian, Brandan, Jayabal, Jayson, Orys, Sherine, and Calandra.

Blessed Mother, pray for us.

With love,
Maritza Mendez.


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S12 Día 19- Misterios Gloriosos en Petición


S12 Día 18 - Misterios Dolorosos en Petición