S12 Day 22 - Sorrowful Mysteries in Petition
Hello, family, and welcome to Day 22 of our 54-Day Rosary Novena! Wednesday of the third week of Lent.
Today, we’re reflecting on the power of God’s Word—how Scripture can guide, comfort, and transform us. Sometimes all it takes is one verse to speak to the heart, to bring clarity, peace, or even correction.
God speaks to us through Scripture. It’s not just a history book—it’s alive and active. The more time we spend with His Word, the more we come to know His voice, His promises, and His love for us.
Today, we also remember St. Margaret Clitherow, a brave woman who gave her life for the faith. She was martyred for hiding Catholic priests and for spreading Scripture during a time when it was forbidden. Her love for God’s Word reminds us how precious and powerful it truly is.
Today, I invite you to read one Bible verse today—just one. Sit with it, reflect on it, and let God speak to your heart through His Word.
Day 22 - Sorrowful Mysteries in Petition
Today, on day 22, we're praying the Sorrowful Mysteries in Petition.
Blessed Mother, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, we ask for your intercession as we grow in love for God’s Word. May Scripture guide our thoughts, decisions, and actions each day.
Blessed Mother, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, we ask for your intercession as we pray for unity in our families, strength in our faith, wisdom in discernment, and the right use of technology to deepen our human connections.
We pray for the intentions of our family here on the podcast, intentions received by email, Instagram and YouTube. We pray for a deeper hunger for God’s Word, wisdom and clarity through Scripture, courage to live out the Gospel, healing and awareness for those affected by epilepsy.
We pray for the intentions of Agape, Allen, Amy, Andy, Anna, Anna Maria, Barbara, baby Hazel, Brian, Cam, Candace, Carmine, Carmo, Chris, Chrissy, Corby, Enzo, Escobar Family, Evert, Gallegos Family, Gina, Giovanna, Gray, Harshal, Jersey, Jing, John, Karlee, Katee, Kim, Kyle Nick, Luigi, Marcelo, Mariela, McCain Family, Melissa, Melody, Michael, Michelle, Neena, Neethu, Niccolo, Nicole, Patricia, Powmya, Reem, Rocio, Sarita, Serena, Susan, Sylvia, Thomas, Valentina, Yaya Zena.
St. Margaret Clitherow, pray for us.
Blessed Mother, pray for us.
With love,
Maritza Mendez.
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