Day 20: Sorrowful Mysteries in Petition

Thank you for joining today's Rosary Prayer. This is day 20 of our 54 Day Rosary Novena.

Thank you!
Before we start our prayer, I want to thank you for praying with our community, know that I appreciate you for committing to this novena.

I started putting together this podcast early on in the pandemic. If you check out our website there, you can read a bit more about how the podcast got started.

I intended to put this podcast out there in hopes that at least one person would pray the novena. as of today, we have 320 people praying each day with us, from 47 different countries. I'm overwhelmed with joy and feel blessed to know that we're building a beautiful community through our Blessed Mother's intercession. Thank you for praying with 54 Days of Roses, know that we are praying for you.

Day 20: Sorrowful Mysteries in Petition
Today we'll be praying the sorrowful mysteries in the petition. Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, we pray that we may rediscover Jesus in this season of Lent.

Blessed Mother, we pray for the health of those who need healing.
We pray for the recovery of those who are fighting Covid.
For children who are sick, for baby James,
For the health of our grandparents.
We pray for David Chavez, Abraham Hernandez, Daniel Rojas, Isiah, the Hernandez Family, Carolina Valderrama, & Gerardo Nunez.

Blessed Mother, we pray for the intentions of our listeners, and for the intentions of our community on Instagram; Mary Castillo, Angela Hernandez, Melissa, Suzi, Ariana, Diana, Crystal, Moira, Marcella, Cheryl, Phyllis, Gabriel, Allison, Maria Solis, Sarah Rose, Rosa, and Michelle.

With Love,
Maritza Mendez


Day 21: Glorious Mysteries in Petition


Day 19: Joyful Mysteries in Petition