Day 3: Glorious Mysteries in Petition

Welcome back! This is day 3 of our 54-day Rosary Novena. 

I Just want to take the time to thank everyone who has subscribed to our email list and to the podcast.  
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Day 3: Glorious Mysteries in Petition

With that let's get started, Today we're praying the Glorious Mysteries in Petition.  Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, We ask that you intercede for us as we pray in preparation for this coming Lenten season. 

Blessed Mother, We pray that we may rediscover Jesus in this season of Lent.  We pray for healing around the world as we struggle with this pandemic. We pray for the safety of our country. 

Blessed Mother, we pray for the intentions of our listeners. And we pray for the intentions of Ashley, Sherri, Mark, David, Eileen, Kara, Bernadette, Paulina, Mary Jones, Jaqueline. 

With Love,

Maritza Mendez 


Day 4: Joyful Mysteries in Petition


Day 2: Sorrowful Mysteries in Petition