Day 32: Sorrowful Mysteries in Thanksgiving

Thank you for joining today's Rosary prayer. This is day 32 of our 54 Day Rosary Novena. 

Thank you for supporting our Ministry:

Before we get into our prayer, I want to thank our patrons and everyone who has donated to our website.  Thank you for supporting our Ministry. If you would like to support our Ministry, please check out our donation page on our website at

May God Bless you all for supporting our ministry. 

Day 32 Sorrowful Mysteries in Thanksgiving
Today we're praying the Sorrowful Mysteries in Thanksgiving. Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, we pray that we may rediscover Jesus in this season of Lent. 

Blessed Mother, we continue to pray for those who are sick. For those who are battling Cancer.  For those who haven't fully recovered after testing positive for Covid.  

We pray for Maria, for Mysty and her complete healing of Lyme disease, and for Keilas' quick recovery from surgery. 

Blessed Mother, we pray for the needs of our listeners, and the intentions of our community on Instagram; Araceli, Isa, Karina, Sab, Ana, Rosemary, Marlen, James, Clara, Cheris, Jonathan, Regina, Vince. 

With Love,
Maritza Mendez


Day 33: Glorious Mysteries in Thanksgiving


Day 31: Joyful Mysteries in Thanksgiving