Day 54: Glorious Mysteries in Thanksgiving

Happy Easter Sunday!!! This is day 54 of our 54-Day Rosary Novena. 

Thank you so much for joining in this Third season of 54 days of Roses. Today marks our final prayer in Thanksgiving, and  I pray that through the intercession of our Blessed Mother, your petitions will be granted if it is God's, Holy Will. 

Thank you for praying for all the petitions of our community. With your help, we have created a beautiful community dedicated to prayer. Please continue to pray for us and know that we're praying for you. 

I appreciate you for supporting our Ministry by being here and praying with us all 54 days.  Thank you for donating and paying it forward, Thank you for your ratings, reviews and for sharing our rosary podcast with your friends and loved ones. 

I'd also like to thank two very special ladies that help me put this podcast together. Thank you, Lilly and Maddie. 

The 4th Season of 54 Days of Roses will launch some time between Mid June and early July. Please continue to send your prayer request to as we pray the rosary daily. You may stay connected with us through email, Instagram, Clubhouse, and of course our website. Please subscribe to our email list on our website to get the latest details on live rosaries and the exact dates for the next season of 54 Days of Roses. All links and contact information will be listed in the show notes.

 I appreciate and love you. May God Bless you. 

Day 54 Glorious Mysteries in Thanksgiving
Today we're praying the Glorious Mysteries in Thanksgiving.  Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, On this Easter Sunday we pray and give thanks to God for all he has given us. 

Oh Most Glorious Mother Mary, we pray that our hearts be renewed. 
We pray to be Joyful and share our Joy and Love with others. 

Blessed Mother, we pray for the needs of our listeners and we pray for the intentions of our community on Instagram and Clubhouse.  For Conor, Candy, RoseMary, Anthony, Robin, Miriam, Rae, Kien, Oge, Yesenia, Michel, Morley, Christina, Lupita, Dr. Denise, Ray, Aaron, Itohan, Dr. Alexis, Alain, Susan, Bri, Isik, Ellen, Melly, and Beth. 

With Love, 
Maritza Mendez


Day 53: Sorrowful Mysteries in Thanksgiving