Day 17: Sorrowful Mysteries in Petition

Hello Family!

Welcome back! This is day 17 of our 54-day Rosary Novena.

Help us pay it forward.

If you've been blessed with this podcast, please consider supporting our Ministry by paying it forward. We have prayed for over 300 intentions in this season, days 1-17. With your help and support, we can continue praying for you and for our family here at 54 days of Roses. It will cost about $5,000 to publish season 5 and the first Spanish version.

Our goal is to raise $2,500 from our family here at 54 Days of Roses. We're not trying to make a profit from the podcast, this is a podcast that belongs to you and to our family. We just want to give everyone the opportunity to pay it forward. If you would like to contribute and pay it forward for others to experience this journey, please donate on our website at you can make a 1-time donation or a monthly recurring contribution.

Thank you to our Monthly supporters; Eduvina Garcia, Christy Gumban, Kathleen Spoth, Jude Heath, and Rosa Casillas. Thank you to Angela Hernandez, Kathy Chen, and Sharon Jemmott for paying it forward for the next season. Please know that I appreciate your support and we're all praying for your intentions.

Day 17 Sorrowful Mysteries in Petition

Today we're praying the Sorrowful Mysteries in Petition. Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, We ask that you intercede for us as we pray for our daily conversion and the conversion of our friends and loved ones.

Blessed Mother, we pray for those who work in the pro-life movement We pray for all expectant mothers who are placing their children for adoption; Give these mothers strength, courage, and peace. We pray for all children in foster care and children in the process of adoption; May these children find loving parents and a stable home rooted in faith. We pray for foster families and families in the process of adoption; give these families a generous heart and send them a child to love.

Blessed Mother, we pray for the intentions of our family listening to this rosary, for the intentions of our family on Instagram and clubhouse. We pray for Rosemary, Cecilia, Nicholas, Lisa, Claudine, Tom, Myssie, Michaela, Gaby, Rocio, Geo, Saylor, path, April, and Michael.

With love,

Maritza Mendez.


Day 18: Glorious Mysteries in Petition


Day 16: Joyful Mysteries in Petition