Day 42: Glorious Mysteries in Thanksgiving

Hello Family!

Thank you for joining our rosary prayer; this is day 42 of our 54-day rosary novena.

To give you a quick update, we now have a Venmo account. Our username is @Novena54daysofroses. If you would like to support our ministry and pay it forward towards season 5, you can now donate through our Venmo account. The link will be listed on the show notes.

If everyone listening to our podcast can help us with $5, the cost of a cup of coffee, we will reach our goal. The funds will be used to publish season 5 along with a Spanish version. Thank you for supporting our ministry; please know that we're praying for you.

Day 42 Glorious Mysteries in Thanksgiving

Today we're praying the Glorious Mysteries in Thanksgiving. Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, We ask that you intercede for us as we pray for our daily conversion and the conversion of our friends and loved ones.

Blessed Mother, we pray for those suffering the effects of illness. Specially Caterina and her husband, who have Covid. Olga and Brian also have Covid. Brian is on a ventilator. Sheila's brother who was diagnosed with a heart condition, Linda Chavez, 4-year-old Brian, Diane, Amber, and Lilly, Lourdes Rodriguez and her sister,

Blessed Mother, we pray for the intentions of our family listening to this rosary, for the intentions of our family on Instagram and clubhouse. We pray for Gina Alfaro, Linda Chavez, Clara Ortiz, Uche Anaekwe from Nigeria, Andrea, Jonie, and Francisco.

With Love,

Maritza Mendez


Day 43: Joyful Mysteries in Thanksgiving


Day 41: Sorrowful Mysteries in Thanksgiving