Day 53: Sorrowful Mysteries in Thanksgiving

Hello Family!

Thank you for joining our rosary prayer; this is day 53 of our 54-day rosary novena.

This is such a bittersweet moment for me as we're arriving at the end of our Novena. First of all, I'm so thankful for all your support and your prayers. Second, I am so proud of you for your commitment to building your relationship with Jesus through Mary. Finally, I want to encourage everyone to continue praying the rosary daily. If it is God's Holy Will, your petitions and prayer request will be granted. We must have faith in God and His timing.

Would you please continue to send your prayer request to I want to continue to pray for you. I invite you to join our Multilingual Rosary prayer on Clubhouse. We pray live M-F at 5:30 a.m Pacific Time. Would you please follow the Catholic Club and follow me? My username is @MaritzaMendez. If you need an invitation to join the app, please send me a message, and I can send you a link.

I will also be hosting a live Multilingual Rosary prayer on Instagram. Would you please follow @54daysofroses? I'm still trying to coordinate the schedule but do stay tuned and keep an eye out for our emails. Please subscribe to our email list on our website at to get future updates.

Once again, Thank you for praying for the intentions of our family; please know that we're praying for you. May God Bless you.

Day 53 Sorrowful Mysteries on Thanksgiving

Today we're praying the Sorrowful Mysteries in Thanksgiving. Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, we ask that you intercede for us as we pray for our daily conversion and the conversion of our friends and loved ones.

Blessed Mother, we pray for everyone affected by Covid. For all those who are ill. For the families who mourne the loss of a loved one during this pandemic year. For those suffering the effects of physical, psychological, or Spiritual Illness.

Blessed Mother, we pray for the intentions of our family listening to this rosary, for the intentions of our family on Instagram and clubhouse. We pray for Claudia Lopez, Christine Lucas, John Paul, Roch, Angela, Margaret, bobby, Jose Angel, Asha, Livia, Ealani, Cyndi, Eddie, Antoinette, Katy, Mary Anne, Clara, Cece, Shannon, Sonia.

With Love,

Maritza Mendez


Day 54: Glorious Mysteries in Thanksgiving


Day 52: Joyful Mysteries in Thanksgiving