Day 1: Joyful Mysteries in Petition
Welcome back to the 5th season of 54 Days of Roses. I've missed you all so much and I'm very happy to be back. If you're joining us for the first time: welcome to this beautiful family of prayer.
First, I'd like to express my gratitude for all your support. Everyone has given so much to our Ministry, it's beautiful to see how our family is growing, and we all come together to pray for one another. Thank you for sharing the podcast with others, and thank you for donating to our ministry.
I also can't thank you enough for checking in on me during the off-season. I've been truly blessed with many wonderful opportunities and they all came at once. and It's really nice to know that I have a support group with many of you. In the last 2 months, I started a new job in a different industry, moved twice, and relocated from Los Angeles to the San Diego area in California. Given all the changes, I considered postponing Season 5 to early next year, but when I prayed for guidance and clarity, it was clear that we should continue with the podcast. However, the Spanish version will come out in 2022. It was a tough decision to hold off and slow down with a couple of projects. I want to do so much but I also need to be realistic and find a healthy balance. Most of the time we seek to balance family, friends, and work, but we also need to take care of our mind, body, and spirit.
For this reason:
Intention for this Novena:
In this 5th season, we are praying for Mental Health. We will also be praying for the intentions that you hold deep in your heart.
Many of you have already sent me your prayer request through Instagram, we are going to pray for your intentions and mention your first name on the podcast. For those who would like to submit a prayer request, please visit our website at
Day 1: Joyful Mysteries in Petition:
With that let's get started, today we're praying the joyful mysteries in the petition.
Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, we ask that you intercede for us with your son, Jesus, as we pray for Mental Health.
Blessed Mother, we pray for those who are struggling with mental health. we pray that God's healing hands would be extended to all of them.
Blessed Mother, we pray for the intentions that we hold deep in our hearts. Especially for the intentions of everyone listening and praying this rosary, for our family on Instagram, on Clubhouse and we pray for the intentions of Mireya, Julia, Tope, Garret, Angela, Angie, Carla, Jessica, Cecilia, Carolina, Melaney, Kaylee, & Yuvi.
With love,
Maritza Mendez