Day 14: Sorrowful Mysteries in Petition
Hello Family!
This is day 14 of our 54-day Rosary Novena.
Thank you so much for all the love you give to our podcast. Many of you have rated the podcast and left a review on the apple podcast. Thank you for all your kind words. All the credit goes to our blessed Mother. Your reviews are super helpful because it helps our podcast be on the top of the search selection for others to listen to and join us in prayer.
Our goal as a family is to pray 100,000 Rosaries and lay these spiritual bouquets at the feet of our blessed Mother. We would love your support to reach this goal. Would you please share the link to the podcast with 5 of your friends and loved ones? The beautiful thing about a podcast is that anyone can join us in this novena at any time. We're currently on day 14; however, we have others who are just now joining us in prayer.
I encourage you to share the link to our podcast. The link is listed on the show notes.
Day 14 Sorrowful in Petition
With that, let's get started. Today, we're praying the Sorrowful Mysteries in Petition. Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, we ask for your intercession with your Son, Jesus, Our Lord, as we pray for Mental Health.
Blessed Mother, we pray for the mental health of those experiencing illness of Body, Mind, or spirit.
Blessed Mother, we pray for the intentions that we hold deep in our hearts. Especially for the intentions of everyone listening and praying this Rosary, for our family on Instagram, on Clubhouse, and we pray for the intentions of Ramona, Laura, Grace, Gustavo, Liv, Regina, Maria, and Tracy Garcia, Monica, Katie, Jay, Karina, Marisol Chavez, Viridiana, Raquel, Kara, Judy, Cecy, Daphney, Carroll, Alysha, Breenab, Lina
With love,
Maritza Mendez