Day 24: Glorious Mysteries in Petition
Hello Family!
Thank you for joining today's Rosary Prayer. This is day 24 of our 54-day Rosary Novena.
To give you a quick update, our family has prayed over 83,000 rosaries. Thank you so much for sharing our podcast with your family and friends. We have people joining in prayer each day, and it's beautiful to see how our family here on the podcast is growing.
If you have found this podcast to be a blessing in your life, would you please continue to share it with more of your friends and loved ones? Our goal is to pray 100,000 rosaries by the end of this year and lay these spiritual bouquets of roses at the feet of our Blessed Mother. I pray that people fall in love with the rosary by meditating on the life of Jesus. I pray that people fall in love with the rosary and in doing so, they fall in love with God. To Jesus Through Mary!
Day 24 Glorious Mysteries in Petition
Today, we're praying the Glorious Mysteries in Petition. Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, we ask for your intercession with your Son, Jesus, Our Lord, as we pray for Mental Health.
Blessed Mother, we pray for those seeking a Holy Spouse.
Our Mother, we pray for the future spouses of our children.
Blessed Mother, we pray for the intentions that we hold deep in our hearts. We pray for those listening to this rosary prayer. We pray for our family on Instagram, Clubhouse, and we pray for the intentions of Amado, Tonia, Vivian, Amanda, Pan Aileen, Marissa, Paolo, Dulce, Tim.
With love,
Maritza Mendez