Day 26: Sorrowful Mysteries in Petition
Hello Family!
Thank you for joining today's Rosary Prayer. This is day 26 of our 54-day Rosary Novena.
Thank you so much for all your support in helping us grow our family. Every action that you take from sharing the podcast, subscribing, rating, or reviewing the podcast, goes a long way to reach those in need of prayers. My hope and intention for this podcast are to help others deepen their prayer life by Meditating on the life of Jesus through the reflections of each mystery. I pray that others fall in love with the Rosary, and in doing so, they fall in love with God. Finally, I pray that our Blessed Mother intercedes for all your petitions and that your prayers are granted if it is the will of God.
If you have a rosary story, you would like to share with us. Please send me an email at I'm hoping to read and reply to all your emails by this weekend.
Day 26 Sorrowful Mysteries in Petition
With that, let's get started; today, we're praying the Sorrow Mysteries in Petition.
Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, we ask for your intercession with your Son, Jesus, Our Lord, as we pray for Mental Health.
Blessed Mother, we pray for the recovery of those who are sick.
For those battling cancer, for my dear friend Stevie Muzzonigro who is battling Grade 4 brain cancer,
For those who have dementia.
For recovery for Florence, Cathy, and Dave
For the recovery of baby Chris
Blessed Mother, we pray for the intentions that we hold deep in our hearts. We pray for those listening to this rosary prayer. We pray for our family on Instagram, Clubhouse, and we pray for the intentions of Chris, Tony, Chrystal, baby Chris, Krista, Carlos & Rosalie, Anna, Kiela Daley, Mary Macdonald, Mark, Kaylee, Evely, Kelsey, Monique, Tara, Nicole, and Laura.
With love,
Maritza Mendez