Day 35: Sorrowful Mysteries in Thanksgiving

Hello Family,
Thank you for joining today's Rosary Prayer. This is day 35 of our 54-day Rosary Novena.

I want to thank everyone who has taken the time to share our podcast, those who gave us a rating review.  And thank you to those who have donated and paid it forward for next season. Our goal is to raise $3,000, and if everyone listening to our podcast can help us with $5, the cost of a cup of coffee, we will reach our goal.

Thank you to our most recent donors, Maria Carrasco, Lauren Fraser, Dana Orr, Donald P., Clara Ortiz, Chris, Christina McAller, Chuwumeka, Linda Fernandez, Sheryl Saar, Grace Breeden, Marleen Aguilera, Kiela Daley, 

If you would like to donate and pay it forward for the next season. Please visit our website to donate, and the website is  You may also send us a Venmo at @Novena54daysofroses, Or you can Zelle at The links are listed in the show notes and Instagram bio. 

Day 35 Sorrowful Mysteries in Thanksgiving

With that, let's get started; today, We're praying the Sorrowful Mysteries in Thanksgiving for our petitions. Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, we offer you this Rosary Prayer in thanksgiving for your intercession with Jesus Christ our Lord as we pray for Mental Health.

Blessed Mother, we pray that we may get closer to God by developing and staying consistent with our prayer life.  

Blessed Mother, we pray for everyone who is traveling.  We pray for those traveling this week for the Thanksgiving holiday. 

Blessed Mother, we pray for the intentions that we hold deep in our hearts. We pray for those listening to this rosary prayer.  We pray for our Family on Instagram, Clubhouse, and Youtube. We pray for the intentions of Itzel, Mary Ann, Diana, Brett, Holly, Kleah, Mary Ann, Dana, Kenia, Andrea, Joan, Bianca, Marlene, Ana, Julie, Rosemary, 

With love,
 Maritza Mendez


Day 36: Glorious Mysteries in Thanksgiving


Day 34: Joyful Mysteries in Thanksgiving