Day 5: Sorrowful Mysteries in Petition
Thank you for joining today's Rosary Prayer. This is day 5 of our 54-day Rosary Novena.
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Day 5: Sorrowful Mysteries in Petition
With that, let's get started, today; we're praying the Sorrowful Mysteries in Petition. Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, we ask for your intercession with your Son, Jesus, Our Lord, as we pray for Mental Health.
Blessed Mother, we pray and ask for your intercession for the conversion of our friends and loved ones.
We pray for those who need God but are unable to turn to him. We pay that God may extend his mercy to all of them.
Blessed Mother, we pray for the intentions that we hold deep in our hearts. Especially for the intentions of everyone listening and praying this rosary, for our family on Instagram, on Clubhouse, and we pray for the intentions of Gabriela, Hannah, J Morgan, Mary Katherine, Jessenia, Laura, Chantal, Christine, Leisa, Oralia, Bobbie, Egide, Edie, and Eniye.
With Love,
Maritza Mendez