Day 54: Glorious Mysteries in Thanksgiving

Hello Family! 
Thank you for joining our rosary prayer; this is day 54 of our 54-day rosary novena. 

Happy Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe! Today marks our final prayer in Thanksgiving.  I pray that our Blessed Mother intercedes for all your petitions.   If it's God's Holy Will, your prayers will be answered. We must have faith in Our Lord and his timing.

I appreciate you and love you very much.  With your help, we have created a beautiful family dedicated to prayer. I appreciate your commitment to building your relationship with Jesus through Mary.  Please know that we are all praying for your intentions. 

God willing, we will publish the 6th season starting February 23rd and ending April 17th on Easter Sunday. I hope and pray that you can join us. It will be a beautiful way to prepare our hearts for Easter Sunday.  If you have an overall intention for Season 6, please email me at

I want to thank the people behind the scenes that make 54 Days of Roses possible. Thank you, Lilly, for uploading the episodes to all the podcast platforms and creating the beautiful designs for Instagram and Youtube. Patrick, Thank you for the beautiful music you create for each season. And a special Thank you to Maddie, our Audio engineer.  If you would like to learn more about Lilly, Patrick, and Maddie, Please visit their website; the links are listed in our show notes.

Would you please continue to send your prayer request to I want to continue to pray for you.

If you would like to support our ministry, please pay it forward on our website at You may also pay it forward using Venmo @Novena54daysofroses or Zelle at

I appreciate and love you. May God Bless you. To Jesus through Mary!

Day 54 - Glorious  Mysteries in Thanksgiving

Today, We're praying the Glorious Mysteries in Thanksgiving for our petitions. Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, we offer you this Rosary Prayer in Thanksgiving for your intercession with Jesus Christ our Lord as we pray for Mental Health.

Almighty God, we bring our prayers to you in faith. May we rejoice in knowing that all things are in your hands.

Blessed Mother, we pray for the intentions that we hold deep in our hearts. We pray for those listening to this rosary prayer.  We pray for our Family on Instagram, Clubhouse, and Youtube. We pray for Jonathan, Mia, Jeseniaj, Josselyn, Anthony, Joshua, Robbyn,  Gracie, Nathan, Ryan, Jacob, Joanie, Ellie, Rachel, Ailee, Christy, Isabel, Valentina, Mayra, Maggie, Kim, Roby, Amy, Cindy, Liz, Amy, Angela, Temo, Caterina, Juan, Juls, Alejandra, Briana, Brian.

With Love,
Maritza Mendez


Day 53: Sorrowful Mysteries in Thanksgiving