Day 2: Sorrwful Mysteries in Petition
Hello Family!
Welcome back, and thank you for joining day 2 of our 54-day Rosary Novena.
First, I'd Like to express my gratitude for your support. Thank you for supporting our ministry in so many ways. I can't express enough gratitude for praying with us, sharing the podcast, and donating to pay it forward for the following season. It's lovely to see how our prayer family continues to grow each season, and this is all possible through your love for God and our Blessed Mother. Thank you for being part of our family of prayer.
I'm super excited to announce that we have prayed over 125,000 Rosaries since August of 2022. When I published our first episode, I thought maybe eight people would listen, I see now that Our Blessed Mother has been with us all along to bring us closer to our heavenly Father.
Our new goal this season is to pray 175,000 Rosaries by Easter Sunday! If you would like to support this beautiful goal, you may support us by;
Sharing the podcast with your friends and loved ones.
Giving us a rating or review wherever you're listening to the podcast.
Head over to our website and subscribe to our email list.
If you would like to give us a little support, you can do that by donating on our website, Venmo @Novena54daysofroses, or Zelle:
We also have a shop on our website. We have some new Merch designed by Joe Kim from the PAL campaign. Instagram: @palcampaign. We get a small commission on each sale, so we appreciate it when you shop our store.
Your support with one of these actions will help us lay 175,000 spiritual bouquets of roses at the feet of our Blessed mother as we ask her to intercede for our petitions.
Day 2: Sorrowful Mysteries in Petition
Today on day 2 we're praying the Sorrowful Mysteries in Petition.
Blessed Mother, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, we ask that you intercede for us as we pray to have our hearts opened to the will of God.
Blessed Mother, we pray for the intentions that we hold deep in our hearts. Especially for the intentions of everyone listening and praying this rosary, for the prayer intentions received through email, for our family on Instagram, and we pray for the intentions of: Sheryl Saar and her sister, Jude Heath, Kathleen Spoth, Eduvina Garcia, Rosa Casillas, Christopher O Hare, Maria Clara Ortiz, Donnald, Dana Orr L ure Fraser, Maria Carrasco, Mary Terlep, Natalie Hourd, Kathleen spoth, Chiara Cabarubias, Daniel Hall, Jailyn Hart, Chukwuka, Cherie Daigle, Juls, Angela O'Connor, Christina McAleer, Beatriz Donato, Susie and Barron Family, Kim Sy and Family, Anthonia, Kimberly King, Cistina Casciato, Christy Nini, Pamela Perez, Julie Ancona, Patricia Flaherty, Eve, Jennifer Reed, Eni Okoye, Cathy Bolenghi, Mayra Cecilia, Jose Flores, Barbosa family,
With love,
Maritza Mendez