Day 27: Glorious Mysteries in Petition
Hello Family,
Thank you for joining today's Rosary prayer. This is day 27 of our 54-day Rosary Novena. Monday of the third week of Lent.
Congratulations Family! We're halfway through our 54 day- Novena. We have completed three nine-day Rosary Novenas; Tomorrow, we will start praying our three nine-day Rosary Novenas in thanksgiving, whether our petitions were granted or not.
I want to remind us all that the 54-day Novena is not a magic wand or a genie that will grant our wishes. It is not about saying the prayers in a particular order at a specific time. What's important is that we pray with devotion and give our hearts to God. When we pray the Rosary and meditate on the life of Jesus, we strengthen our faith and seek to grow closer to God and accept his will. When we pray the Rosary, we ask our Blessed Mother to pray with us and for us that she may intercede for our petitions. Our petitions are granted if it is God's Holy Will.
We want to continue praying for you and your family. Please share the podcast with your friends and loved ones. If you would like us to pray for, or if you would like to share your Rosary Story, Please submit your prayer request on our website at
Day 27; Glorious Mysteries in Petition
Let us pray the Glorious Mysteries in petition. Blessed Mother, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, we ask that you intercede for us as we pray to have our hearts opened to the will of God.
Blessed Mother, We pray to open our hearts this Lenten season fully.
Our Lady, Queen of Peace, we pray for the people of Ukraine and Russia.
We pray for the people that we might not go along with. We pray for the people in our lives we perceive to be our enemies or people who do not like us.
We pray for the Intentions received by email, Instagram, and Youtube. For the intentions that we hold deep in our hearts. For:Sheryl Saar and her sister, Krystal, Regina Alfaro, Ramon, Alfaro, Thimothy and Jennifer (healthy delivery), Shaune, Gary, Irish priest Fr. Niall (Battling Cancer), for all Catholic missionaries located in surrounding areas of Ukraine who are helping out.
With love,
Maritza Mendez