Day 32: Sorrowful Mysteries in Thanksgiving
Hello Family,
Thank you for joining today's Rosary prayer. This is day 32 of our 54-day Rosary Novena. Saturday of the third week of Lent.
I want to thank everyone who has rated our podcast. Thank you for giving our podcast five stars. Thank you, Simply-Mar, for your lovely review. Christine Cassivi, thank you for your donation and for paying it forward towards next season.
My hope and prayer are to publish another season of 54 days of roses. I ask for your help with a donation to pay forward. Our goal is to raise $3,000. This would help me cover the fees for editing, design, subscriptions to all the podcast platforms, and other expenses.
On my end, I will continue to cover the cost, but this podcast belongs to everyone who is listening. I do want to allow everyone to pay it forward. About 522 people are listening daily; if everyone listening to this episode pays it forward with $5 the cost of a cup of coffee, we will be set to fund season 7. We have currently raised USD 965. If you are called to pay it forward. Please visit our website. You will see a tab "support Season 6" I forgot to change the tab's name to season 7. But there, you can make your donation. For those in the US, you can also pay it forward through Venmo. The username is @Novena54daysofroses. the links are listed in the show notes
I appreciate everyone here for supporting our ministry and helping us pray for our Family's intentions.
Day 32; Sorrowful Mysteries in Thanksgiving
Let us pray the Sorrowful Mysteries in Thanksgiving. Blessed Mother, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, we ask that you intercede for us as we pray to have our hearts opened to the will of God.
In this season of Lent, Blessed Mother, we pray that God may come more fully and deeply into our lives. Our Lady, Queen of Peace, we pray for the people of Ukraine, Russia, and all nations in conflict.
We pray for the Intentions received by email, Instagram, and Youtube. We pray for the intentions of everyone listening to this rosary prayer. For: Colleen, Cat, Valery, Johnny, Olivia, Ogar, Godwin, Gayle, Jasmin, Somtochukwu, Karla, Monica, Beatriz, Mila, Madelyn, Deb, Sophie, Amal, Michael, Stephanie.
With love,
Maritza Mendez