Day 34: Joyful Mysteries in Thanksgiving
Hello Family,
Thank you for joining today's Rosary prayer. This is day 34 of our 54-day Rosary Novena. Monday of the fourth week of Lent.
Family, I am doing my best to reply to all of your messages. Please know that I read them daily, even if I don't respond right away. I want you to know that we are praying for your intentions. If you are joining us for the first time! Welcome to this beautiful Family of prayer. I would encourage you to start with day 1. All episodes remain published.
If you have a prayer request, please submit them on our website or email
Day 34; Joyful Mysteries in Thanksgiving
Let us pray the Joyful Mysteries in Thanksgiving. Blessed Mother, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, we ask that you intercede for us as we pray to have our hearts opened to the will of God.
We pray to be attentive, to truly discern the thoughts that come into our heads, that we may genuinely try to listen to the voice of God.
We pray to be attentive and see the signs that Our Lord sends us.
Our Lady, Queen of Peace, we pray for the people of Ukraine, Russia, and all nations in conflict.
We pray for the Intentions received by email, Instagram, and YouTube. We pray for the intentions of everyone listening to this rosary prayer.
For: Raul, Valentina, Anisa, Neha, Peepow, Gayle, Kiela, Maria, Aashna, Josip, Fernanda, Kyle, Ana, Lexi, Becca, Maribel, Eden, Darci, Elizabeth, Lauri.
With Love
Maritza Mendez