Day 40: Joyful Mysteries in Thanksgiving

Hello Family,
Thank you for joining today's Rosary prayer. This is day 40 of our 54-day Rosary Novena. The Fifth Sunday of Lent.

I want to invite you to our next meet and greet, Coffee with Roses. This coming Saturday, April 9th at 8:30 am PT. Our coffee with Roses will consist of a Live Multi-Lingual Rosary prayer. When you join, you can pray in the language of your choice. We usually start with introductions; share with us where you are joining from. You can share a Rosary Story or let us know how we can pray for you. The link to the invitation is listed in the show notes. I will not require a password to join the zoom meeting. However, if it asks for one, please use the password: rose54. That is all lower case.

Day 40; Joyful Mysteries in Thanksgiving
 Let us pray the Joyful Mysteries in Thanksgiving.  Blessed Mother, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, we ask that you intercede for us as we pray to have our hearts opened to the will of God.
In this season of Lent, we pray that we may experience God's love and mercy.  Blessed mother, we pray for those who suffer from a long-term illness. For those suffering from Mental Illness

We pray for the people of Ukraine and Russia. 

Blessed Mother, we pray for the mental health of couples who struggle with the pain of not being able to conceive a child.  We pray for women who have struggled with infertility, have had a miscarriage, and have lost a child. 
We pray for the mental health of parents who are grieving the loss of a child. 
We pray for the mental health of mothers going through postpartum depression. 

For: Hannah, Heide, Andrew, Maria, Delia, Tahina, Maria, Fiorella, Elena, Pete, Ruth, Sayde, My Rosaries Creation, Grace, and Richard. 

With love,
Maritza Mendez


Day 41: Sorrowful Mysteries in Thanksgiving


Day 39: Glorious Mysteries in Thanksgiving