Day 9: Glorious Mysteries in Petition
Hello Family!
Thank you for joining today's Rosary prayer. This is day 9 of our 54-Day Rosary Novena. We will complete our first Novena in petition after this rosary prayer. Meaning we will pray two additional novenas in petition, followed by three more novenas in Thanksgiving.
I want to emphasize that it's not too late to join our Novena. We have about 430 people praying with us daily. I would love to connect with you all. If you would be interested in having coffee over zoom or clubhouse, please send me an email at, and I will send a group link to those who are interested.
Thank you for being part of our family of prayer. Please know that we are praying for you.
Day 9: Glorious Mysteries in Petition
Let us pray the Glorious Mysteries in petition. Blessed Mother, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, we ask that you intercede for us as we pray to have our hearts opened to the will of God.
March is Women's History Month; let us pray and give thanks for all the cherished women in our lives and our histories: Grandmother, Mothers, Sisters, Nieces, Friends, and neighbors. Our Lady, Queen of Peace, we pray for peace in the world.
We pray for Ukraine.
Blessed Mother, we pray for the intentions that we hold deep in our hearts. We pray for the intentions of everyone praying along to this Rosary. We pray for the intentions sent via email. We pray for our family on Instagram, and we pray for the intentions of Michael, for his six children and seven grandchildren, Erika, Thiery Hart, Julie, Anthonio, John, Vic, Mylena, Katrina and her family, Edel and family, Kenneth, Sarah and Demetria, Cristina, Dr. Nneoma, Simon, Lorenzo, Lisa, Edel, and Angel. Health: John, Rafael, Kenneth's Mom, and Dad,. Soul: of Katrina Father.
With love,
Maritza Mendez