Day 12 - Glorious Mysteries in Petition
Hello Family!
Welcome back! This is Day 12 of our 54-Day Rosary Novena.
At the end of our Rosary Prayer, I invite you to give us a rating and review wherever you are listening to our Rosary Podcast. With this small action, you can help our Ministry Grow.
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The most common apps tend to be Apple Podcast, Spotify, YouTube, Google, Audible, Amazon, and our website. But I am interested to know if our podcast is on any other podcast platform that is not on my radar.
Day 12; Glorious Mysteries in Petition
With that, let's get started; today, we're praying for the Glorious Mysteries in the petition.
Blessed Mother, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, we ask that you intercede for our petitions and bring us closer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
We pray for Love and Happiness in our Hearts. We pray to be able to recognize Jesus in others.
Blessed Mother, we pray for the intentions of everyone praying along to this podcast.
We pray for the intentions received by email, Instagram, and YouTube.
And we pray for the intentions of: Jenni, Amy, Emma, Gaby, Becki, Marie, Rosanne, Bernadetta, Patti, Kristin, Margaret, Andrea, Sherri, Bibi, Sara, Leah, Karen, Bernadetta, Cooky, Peggy, Nancy, Laura, Julie, Kara, Julie, Veronica, Candace, and Maria Isabel.
With love,
Maritza Mendez