Day 13: Joyful Mysteries in Petition
Hello family!
Welcome back! This is Day 13 of our 54-Day Rosary Novena.
Just a courtesy reminder, we have our live Rosary Prayer today at 7 am. Pacific time. I hope that you can join. It will be a lovely way to connect with our family here on the podcast. The live prayer will be over Zoom. Please click on the link listed in the show notes to register.
Day 13; Joyful Mysteries in Petition
With that, let's get started; today, we're praying for the Joyful Mysteries in Petition.
Blessed Mother, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, we ask that you intercede for our petitions and bring us closer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Blessed Mother, we pray for the intentions of everyone praying along to this podcast.
We pray for the intentions received by email, Instagram, and YouTube,
And we pray for the intentions of: Madeline, Cynthia, Alejandro, Aislinn, Krystyna, Emms, Leti, Ashley, Yusna, Ginny, Koroly, Katelyn, Panchitaj, Rodnie, Ryan, Rachel, Maria, Roza, Tania, Elizabeth, Mimi, Daisy, Pearl Marie, David, Sheveine, Brittany, Paula, Elaine, Faye, Savannah, J Echevarría, Rose, Ana, Mary Ellen, Cyndi, Alexandra, Christine, Cindy, Rodri, Donna, Christina, Jason, Jennifer, Sandy, Kim, Quanah, Paloma, Gabrielle, Liz, Cristian, Martinez Family, and Missy.
With love,
Maritza Mendez