Day 25: Joyful Mysteries in Petition
Hello Family,
Welcome back! This is day 25 of our 54-Day Rosary Novena.
Today we are celebrating the feast day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Happy Birthday, Mama Mary!! Thank you for saying YES to being the mother of our Savior. Thank you, Blessed Mother, for praying with us and for us. We thank you for carrying our prayers and petitions to God.
Family, I want to thank you for joining us in prayer on this beautiful Feast day of the Nativity of our Blessed Virgin Mary.
Here are some ways to Celebrate the Nativity of our Blessed Mother:
You can teach the children in your family How to pray the Hail Mary, the Rosary, or other Marian prayers such as Hail Holy Queen or the Memorare prayer. You can find the words to these prayers on our website at
You can wear a Marian Medal.
You can decorate your home with Roses.
You can Make a Consecration to Mary.
You can celebrate with cake and sing Happy Birthday to Our Blessed Mother. In my family, we play las mañanitas to our Blessed Mother.
Let us know how you and your family are celebrating the feast day of the Nativity of our Blessed Virgin Mary.
Day 25 - Joyful Mysteries in Petition
Today, day 25, we're praying the Joyful Mysteries in petition.
Mother, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, we ask that you intercede for our petitions and bring us closer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Mother, we pray for your maternal protection for our families, neighbors, communities, our country, and the whole world.
Blessed Mother, pray for us that we may surrender to the will of God.
Pray that we may have hope and faith even when all seems hopeless.
Pray that we may love Christ, your Son and the son of God.
Pray for our family here in the podcast for the intention they hold in their hearts.
And Pray for all intentions received by email, Instagram, and YouTube.
And we pray for the intentions of: Michelle, Lisa, Amy, Carol, Thomas, Mikel, Imelda, Oppah, Arthur, Gale, Sherri, Denise, Kathleen, Sandra, Loki, Angel, Lisa, Jane, Lourdes, Kristen, Mari, Heather, Vidal, Matthew, Andrew, Gina, Amanda, Aaliyah, Mariel, Katie, Elilu, Fanniemae, Mikki, Chitra, Monique, Ivelisse, Andy, Diego, Nikki, Erin, Leticia, Martha, Tere, Anais, Jayney, Michelle, Tai, and Raymond.
With love,
Maritza Mendez