S9 Day 11 - Sorrowful Mysteries in Petition

Hello Family,
Welcome back to Day 11 of our 54-Day Rosary Novena!

Exciting news, family! The PDF for our 54-Day Rosary Novena in Spanish is now available on our website. Just head over to the "How to pray" section for the download. Thanks for your patience while we put it together.

I'm here to help you during this novena. If you have any ideas or suggestions on how we can support you or enhance our podcast, please shoot us an email at prayers@54daysofroses.com

Day 11: Sorrowful Mysteries in Petition:
Let's get started. Today, we're praying for the Sorrowful Mysteries in Petition.

Blessed Mother, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, be with us in our prayers as we pray for an increase in our faith.  We humbly request your intercession, lifting up the special intentions that reside within our hearts.

Blessed Mother, today we pray for all who have turned away from the truth and exchanged the glory of God for idols, that they may rediscover faith and be cleansed within by acts of kindness and generosity.

Blessed Mother, we pray for peace in the world
We pray for unity within our families,
For those battling Cancer,
For those struggling with anxiety and depression
We pray for the unborn and for all children.
And we pray for those struggling to conceive a child.

Blessed Mother, we entrust our intentions to your loving care. We bring the hopes, dreams, and concerns of all who have joined us in prayer, through this podcast, email, Instagram, or YouTube.

We pray for: Michaela, Matthew C, Linda, Daryl, Brian, Madeline, Paige, Katie, Lorena, Angel, Dianne, Frankie, Hana, Janet, Erin, Rose, Natalia, Michael, Maria Camila, Gabriella, Molly, Mary-Helen, Melita, Kari S, Anarella, Jose, and Gale.

With love,
Maritza Mendez


💛 How to pray

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💛Vito - Music Producer

💛Luisa - Audio Engineer

💛Lilly - Project Manager, Content Creator & Web Design


S9 Día 11 - Misterios Dolorosos en Petición


S9 Día 10 - Misterios Gozosos en Petición