S9 Day 16 - Joyful Mysteries in Petition

Hello Family,
Welcome back. Today is  Day 16 of our 54-Day Rosary Novena!

Family, I would love to know how you're doing, how your spirits are, and what strategies you've been using to remain committed to your daily prayers. Your experiences, thoughts, and feelings are important to me, and I would love to hear from you.

Please feel free to send me and email to prayers@54daysofroses.com or send a direct message on Instagram.

Day 16:  Joyful Mysteries in Petition:
Let's get started. Today, we're praying for the Joyful Mysteries in Petition.

Blessed Mother, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, be with us in our prayers as we pray for an increase in our faith. We humbly request your intercession, lifting up the special intentions that reside within our hearts.

Blessed Mother, we pray for peace and reconciliation in the Holy Land.
Blessed Mother, we pray to recognize our role in God's divine plan.
May we give glory and honor to the Lord.
We pray for wisdom to navigate our earthly responsibilities and heavenly obligations.

Blessed Mother, we entrust our intentions to your loving care. We bring the hopes, dreams, and concerns of all who have joined us in prayer through this podcast, email, Instagram, or YouTube.

We pray for the intentions of: Anita, Lovelei, Lore, Dulce Maria, Esmy, Maria Jose, Monica, Rachel, Favi, Marielle, Micole, Alicia, Heather, Sandra, Linda, Sharon, Yara, Vanessa, Lynn, and Adriana.

With Love,
Maritza Mendez


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💛Vito - Music Producer

💛Luisa - Audio Engineer

💛Lilly - Project Manager, Content Creator & Web Design


S9 Día 16 - Misterios Gozosos en Petición


S9 Día 15 - Misterios Gloriosos en Petición