S9 Day 20 - Sorrowful Mysteries in Petition

Hello Family,
Today is day 20 of our 54-Day Rosary Novena.

I am immensely grateful to all of you who have been praying with us on YouTube. Our YouTube channel has now earned partner status, and we couldn't have achieved this without your dedicated viewership.

We've met the requirements, of 1,000 subscribers and accumulated  4,000 watched hours in the past 12 months. This is a significant milestone for our Podcast and it's all thanks to your devotion and support.

If you haven't already subscribed to our YouTube channel, I kindly invite you to do so. Subscribing is not just a way to stay connected with us, but it's also another means of supporting our podcast. The link to our YouTube will be listed in the show notes.

Day 20: Sorrowful Mysteries in Petition
Let's get started. Today, we're praying for the Sorrowful Mysteries in Petition.

Blessed Mother, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, be with us in our prayers as we pray for an increase in our faith.  We humbly request your intercession, lifting up the special intentions that reside within our hearts.

Blessed Mother, we pray for peace and reconciliation in the Holy Land.

Blessed Mother, we pray to do what's right and stay away from wrongdoing. We pray for students, marriages and relationships, peace and unity. Blessed Mother, may God comfort those who've experienced miscarriage. We pray for those seeking employment. We pray for good health. We pray for the Catholic Church. For those battling cancer, depression, sadness, and loneliness.

Blessed Mother, we entrust our intentions to your loving care. We bring the hopes, dreams, and concerns of all who have joined us in prayer through this podcast, email, Instagram, or YouTube.

We pray for the intentions of: Yantina, Mary, Rosalind, Jennifer, Eileen, Joe, Josee, Auriel, Ailish, Laura, Ashika, Molly, Ben, Johanna, Vinicius, Connie, Magaly, Hana, Emmanuel, Jelissa, Gary, Alicia, Lilly, Petra, Kimberly, Patrick, and Sanjay.

With love,
Maritza Mendez


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💛Vito - Music Producer

💛Luisa - Audio Engineer

💛Lilly - Project Manager, Content Creator & Web Design


S9 Día 20 - Misterios Dolorosos en Petición


S9 Día 19 - Misterios Gozosos en Petición