S9 Day 25 - Joyful Mysteries in Petition
Hello Family,
Welcome back to Day 25 of our 54-Day Rosary Novena!
As we celebrate Halloween today, it's fascinating to note its Catholic origins. October 31st is All Hallows Eve, the eve before All Saints Day, which we observe on November 1st. All Saints Day is a time to honor all the saints, known and unknown, who reside in Heaven. Halloween is a wonderful opportunity to prepare for and remember the saints by dressing up as them and engaging in activities that celebrate their inspiring lives.
For more insight into how Catholics can celebrate Halloween, I recommend listening to Father Josh's podcast, "Ask Fr. Josh." In one of his episodes, he explores questions like, "Can Catholics celebrate Halloween?" and "How should Catholics celebrate Halloween?"
Wishing you a blessed Halloween and a day filled with joy and reflection. The link to the episode will be listed in the show notes.
Day 25: Joyful Mysteries in Petition
Let's get started. Today, we're praying for the Joyful Mysteries in Petition.
Blessed Mother, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, be with us in our prayers as we pray for an increase in our faith. We humbly request your intercession, lifting up the special intentions that reside within our hearts.
Blessed Mother, we pray for peace in the world. Blessed Mother, we pray for:
-For those suffering, may they find hope in the promise of brighter days.
-We pray for your intercession, bringing joy to those who have known sorrow and tears.
-We pray for the growth of faith and goodness in our hearts and in all people.
-We pray that our small acts of faith and love grow into sources of shelter and kindness for all.
-We pray that kindness and love touch every corner of our world.
Blessed Mother, we entrust our intentions to your loving care. We bring the hopes, dreams, and concerns of all who have joined us in prayer through this podcast, email, Instagram, or YouTube.
We pray for the intentions of: Cami, Rachel, Loreta, repose of Soluchi, Okoye and Youdeowei families, Erica, Natalia, Carlos, John, Kathleen, Enith, Alina, Karen, Avila, Kristine, Kelsey, Carol, Josee, Dolores, Juanita, Jelin, Izaamr, Samantha, Lisa, Daisy Irene, Maria Luiza, and Leisa.
With love,
Maritza Mendez.
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